“共享经济”正在创造新的商业模式,Uber、Airbnb 等新型平台不断产生,财富和资源被重新配置,甚至新的财富被创造出来。Stepes 的目标就是使翻译行业也变得越来越大。医生、律师、工程师、业务经理,甚至艺术家都可以成为 Stepes 平台上的业余翻译家。这无疑将使人类的全球交流变得更为自由和开放,无数懂得两种以上语言的人和无数的手机用户,将共同产生这一巨大影响。下载 Stepes,如同将您所需的一切翻译资源下载到您的手机上。
Stepes 使行业专家拥有了成为译者的机会,使他们可以为行业贡献自己的知识和力量。真正的医生无疑比普通翻译更懂得他要翻译的医学相关内容,他们的技术专长和对熟悉领域的术语的了解是翻译过程中无可替代的优势。Stepes 使行业专家面前再无翻译行业的壁垒,开始为世界贡献最优秀的译文。
今天,全世界讲 6500 种不用的语言的 73 亿人口,正在依靠大约仅 250000 名专业翻译在跨国交流。翻译供应量远远无法满足这种惊人的语言多样性,这些海量的需求只是因为用户不得不放弃而被不断的掩盖了。于此同时,世界上有超过一半的人口会两种以上的语言,这一个巨大的潜在翻译资源,直到现在还未被开发。
了解更多Stepes 释放全球翻译需求
如果有一个有效的翻译解决方案,使企业能够无缝地与其他国家的客户进行沟通,了解客户需求,那会怎么样?Stepes 将开发这个巨大的潜力,使世界一半人口参与提供优质人工翻译,满足多样翻译需求。Stepes 为企业提供了一个负担得起和易于理解方式来处理翻译问题,为企业降低进入海外市场的门槛,帮助企业在全世界开展业务。
Welcome To The Era Of Big Translation
Despite the increasing ability to reach foreign customers, the lack of quality translation methods is still the most challenging aspect of global expansion. Currently, even using the most advanced software services are an expensive, complicated, and inaccurate process. The result is that too often, businesses sacrifice millions of dollars in profit because marketing to global consumers is too complex to be worthwhile.
How “Big Translation” changes the way we think about globalization
Translation gets a bad rap these days.The irony is that we are more globally connected in all ways than ever – nearly 2 billion people will own smartphones by the end of this year and more than one in four households worldwide already have access to Wifi. Yet efforts to create seamless communication across languages and national borders has not kept up pace.
What is the difference between Crowdsourced Translation and Big Translation?
The translation industry is perhaps one of the first sectors to experiment with the collaborative model of crowdsourcing by farming out translation work to freelance translators located in different countries. Before the Internet came along, translation companies, also called language service providers (LSPs) in industry-speak, used to hire most of their translators in-house. Although the in-house model had many benefits such as...
The Democratization of Translation
As for many of the disruptive technologies to emerge over the last several decades, critics have jumped out of the woodwork to declare why new translation technologies will fall short of their targets.A recent example of such doubt comes from a piece posted on Numenware, in which the writer, Bob Myers, laments the development of new technologies that try to modernize the age old translation process...
Why Big Translation is the Future of Self-Publishing
The translation of literature has an undeniably important role in helping us understand the many cultures in the world around us. Imagine if the Bible had never been translated from its original languages into something that is now read so widely, and is still in the process of being translated into further languages. Some of our most cherished books, whether childhood favorites or a later discovery, were originally written in languages other than our own...

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