Today’s Website Translation Is All About Speed
Over the last decade, website localization has pretty much centered on discussions about streamlined workflows and system integration. Now that most of the initial webiste translations have been completed, companies’ translation needs are much smaller in size but require much faster turnaround. As such, new translation solutios must be on-demand and deliver speed and flexibility.
It’s okay to take 30-60 days to translate your initial website; however, for daily and weekly updates, this should be done in hours or even minutes.
New Content Types
New areas of the Web such as UGC like tweets, product reviews, blogs, etc. that didn’t exist when the website translatin management systmes (TMS) like GlobalLink and others were developed. For instance, would a company translate a supportive blog from a third party that was positive about their product/service? Would Hilton translate the positive reviews from TripAdvisor? That would certainly be outside the scope of the traditional TMS but require a more modern website translation solution like Stepes.

Real-time Translation
Today’s website translaton needs are incremental and demand real-time turnaound. Only translation solutions that have the ability to notify linguists of translation requests instantly and then allow them to translate anywhere and anywhere are truly able to meet the highly demand speed requirement.

Continuous translation
With steaming service such a company’s Tweets and Facebook posts, cutomized APIs should allow these contents to be translated on-demand around the clock and posted on the foreign language sites quickly and automatically. Continous translation is now the norm rather than the exception.

Customized workflows and ability to pay via credit card when waiting for a PO would take days (while the translation would only take minutes) are essential.

Need help translating your Website content?
- Extremely fast project turnaround.
- Unprecedented translation scalability.
- Digital content and social media translation adept.
- Higher quality with bilingual subject matter experts.
- Competitive service through efficiency.
- Mobile translation enabled.
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