全球第一个基于聊天的翻译 App(专利 )

Stepes 在如何使用移动设备提供快速准确翻译服务方面取得重大突破。在此之前的翻译工具都是基于桌面,Stepes 专利移动翻译技术使译者在任何地方、任何时间都可以利用先进的翻译 APP 轻松快速地翻译和赚取收入。

Stepes 将大型翻译文本分割为句子和短语,然后将这些片段显示为短句。以类似于智能手机聊天的方式发送。译员则可以针对每个短句快速高效地使用键盘或语音对其进行翻译供 Stepes 拼接为译后文章。Stepes 翻译过程看起来就像一个对话过程,译者使用时就如用手机聊天一样简单。
Stepes 译员能够随时随地进行翻译,充分利用他们的业余时间获得收入。译者将不再依赖他们的台式机或笔记本电脑。Stepes 是不同领域(如医学、法律或金融服务)的语言专家体现个人价值的完美平台。

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Mobile: The Coming Revolution
Stepes is a groundbreaking app for translators and those who need translation. It is also mobile-centric.The decision to heavily focus on mobile-based component for Stepes is intentional. We strongly believe that mobile is the future of technology and sticking to a mobile platform – while risky – will make Stepes a revolutionary application rather than just a good one. Mobile – a term including both mobile phone technology...
The Evolution of Mobile Translation
The term ‘mobile’ has taken on new meanings now that mobile apps allow professional translators to translate anywhere. Before Stepes and other truly mobile based translation tools came about, mobile translation used to mean either the localization of mobile apps themselves (i.e. the translation of the user interface of mobile applications into different languages) or mobile translation apps that....
3 Ways Mobile Technology Will Drive Global Communication
The translation and localization industry is expected to grow into a $47 billion industry by 2018, largely propelled by new globalizing markets in China and India. Technology innovations, particularly in the mobile arena, will be crucial for allowing companies to meet this global demand. In particular, mobile apps have unlocked the sharing economy – new ways that people consume and provide goods and services...
Mobile and medical translation quality
Some people mistake mobile translation as simply translating the user interface of mobile apps into different languages. Mobile translation is more than just mobile app localization however. Mobile translation really means translators translating on their smartphones instead of desktop computers. While the difference between translating on mobile and desktop translation may seem like just a minor technicality, the implications are huge...
Stepes Is A Bet That A Chat App Can Mobilize Crowdsourced Translation
Mobile messaging is eating the world. So it follows that mobile messaging interfaces will eat UI design. To wit: meet Stepes, a “chat-based translation app” created by veteran software localization company CSOFT. For “chat-based” read: it has a mobile messaging style UI. (For another recent example of messaging interface appropriate see also: Dojo-Labs.)...
Six reasons why mobile translation is poised to explode
In 2012, Google received over two million search queries per minute globally; by 2014 that number more than doubled. That means Google was receiving three billion queries per day, working out to 90 billion queries a month or about 1.1 trillion searches per year. In terms of information size, Google’s search engine processes 20 petabytes of information now per day which is, according to Cost of Content Clutter Infographic, equivalent to half of all of the written works of mankind created since...