Stepes 移动翻译解决方案提供世界上最快的翻译速度。随时待命的海量译员网络,接收任务匹配系统的通知后,可立即协作完成翻译任务。移动互联网的优势使译员可以利用手机随时随地开始翻译。
数字经济高速发展的今天,企业随时都可能产生翻译需求,对翻译质量和速度的要求也与日俱增。Stepes 提供了这种随选翻译服务平台,利用平台自动化的优势,使纷至沓来的翻译内容迅速得到处理,提供了极好的用户体验。


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Stepes 将代翻译的长文本切割小段句子和短语,并以类似聊天软件对话的方式发送出去。译者可以快速、高效地使用键盘或语音录入功能来录入译文,然后同样以对话的方式反馈给服务器。用 Stepes 来翻译看起来完全像译者和 Stepes 在进行对话,使译者在一个非常熟悉的移动聊天的环境中轻松地完成了长文翻译。Stepes 重新定义了翻译过程。

36.5 亿潜在手机翻译用户
Stepes 使译员可以在智能手机上轻松进行翻译工作,着等于利用移动技术将全世界无数的双语人才引入了翻译行业,并按照行业领域或主题领域细分市场。语言技能和学科专长的结合使他们成为最理想的翻译人才。通过移动设备,掌握两种以上语言的医生、律师、工程师、金融顾问和游戏玩家们也可以做翻译,同时带来了每个行业翻译质量的巨大增长。
Mobile: The Coming Revolution
Stepes is a groundbreaking app for translators and those who need translation. It is also mobile-centric.The decision to heavily focus on mobile-based component for Stepes is intentional. We strongly believe that mobile is the future of technology and sticking to a mobile platform – while risky – will make Stepes a revolutionary application rather than just a good one.Mobile – a term including both mobile phone technology...
The Evolution of Mobile Translation
The term ‘mobile’ has taken on new meanings now that mobile apps allow professional translators to translate anywhere. Before Stepes and other truly mobile based translation tools came about, mobile translation used to mean either the localization of mobile apps themselves (i.e. the translation of the user interface of mobile applications into different languages) or mobile translation apps that....
3 Ways Mobile Technology Will Drive Global Communication
The translation and localization industry is expected to grow into a $47 billion industry by 2018, largely propelled by new globalizing markets in China and India. Technology innovations, particularly in the mobile arena, will be crucial for allowing companies to meet this global demand.In particular, mobile apps have unlocked the sharing economy – new ways that people consume and provide goods and services...
Mobile and medical translation quality
Some people mistake mobile translation as simply translating the user interface of mobile apps into different languages. Mobile translation is more than just mobile app localization however. Mobile translation really means translators translating on their smartphones instead of desktop computers. While the difference between translating on mobile and desktop translation may seem like just a minor technicality, the implications are huge...
Stepes Is A Bet That A Chat App Can Mobilize Crowdsourced Translation
Mobile messaging is eating the world. So it follows that mobile messaging interfaces will eat UI design. To wit: meet Stepes, a “chat-based translation app” created by veteran software localization company CSOFT. For “chat-based” read: it has a mobile messaging style UI. (For another recent example of messaging interface appropriate see also: Dojo-Labs.)...
Six reasons why mobile translation is poised to explode
In 2012, Google received over two million search queries per minute globally; by 2014 that number more than doubled. That means Google was receiving three billion queries per day, working out to 90 billion queries a month or about 1.1 trillion searches per year. In terms of information size, Google’s search engine processes 20 petabytes of information now per day which is, according to Cost of Content Clutter Infographic, equivalent to half of all of the written works of mankind created since...