Continuous Terminology Management
A fully automated terminology management solution that empowers companies to manage technical terms and industry jargon easily while improving translation quality at reduced costs, continuously.
Terminology Management 2.0
Is your company looking for an enterprise terminology management solution to systematically improve translation accuracy and consistency while reducing translation cost and turnaround time? Chances are you’ve evaluated many terminology management tools and systems only to realize the effort involved to effectively manage your technical terms can be overwhelming, letting alone doing it continuously. This is why you need Stepes. We’ve transformed professional terminology management best practices into a few easy mouse clicks so your project teams can focus on delivering quality multilingual content without getting bogged down with costly manual workflows and protracted processes.
Traditional terminology management involves creating English (source language) glossaries, translating the terms, and then implementing them with CAT (computer-assisted translation) tools. This process can be tedious and time-consuming especially if it’s repeated constantly, often rendering terminology management an empty talking point instead of solid, concrete practice that positively impacts translation quality. Stepes redefines professional terminology management by automating the entire process end-to-end. Clients simply upload documents to be translated and our intelligent system will automatically extract terms to create a project based glossary. The glossary is then translated by our professional translators. Next, the multilingual glossary is automatically imported into clients’ terminology database for project lookup and reference during translation. The entire process is fully automated, allowing Stepes to continuously update our clients’ terminology for the best translation results. Talk to one of our terminology management consultants today to schedule a demo of our innovative technology solutions.
Terminology Management Automation
Organizations that have done translation projects understand the importance of professional terminology management. Industry studies have shown that over 70% of all translation quality issues are terminology-related, i.e. the inaccurate or inconsistent translations of technical terms and jargon. However, most companies don’t have the expertise or dedicated internal resources to manage terminology most efficiently continuously. This is why Stepes’ fully automated terminology management solution is a game-changer. We use AI and ML to automate manual tasks such as term extraction, glossary creation, project management, termbase update, and terminology enforcement so the entire workflow is fully streamlined and hassle-free.
Automated Terminology Extraction
Professional terminology management involves the identification, extraction, and review of technical terms and industry jargon from a company’s product documentation, marketing collateral, and website, continuously. Stepes has fully automated this process by using AI (artificial intelligence) and ML (machine learning) to automatically scan the source content, taking into consideration of industry domains, to extract terms before our professional linguists with the right subject matter expertise are brought in to review the results. This machine-human approach allows Stepes to most efficiently extract terminology at scale without breaking the bank. To learn more about Stepes’ terminology extraction solutions, please click here.
What is terminology management?
Terminology management is the systematic practice of defining, translating, approving technical terms to ensure content accuracy and consistency across languages. It allows global businesses to deploy multilingual content faster with better quality, leading to increased customer satisfaction and higher international sales.
Don’t leave your business at risk by not properly managing terminology

Studies find that the number one factor affecting global content quality is the inaccurate and inconsistent use of technical terms specific to a particular industry and subject matter. Inaccurate or inconsistent terms not only cause confusion among readers, but can lead to poor product quality or usability. Furthermore, time spent revising terminology errors results in launch delays, or worse— potentially millions of dollars in damages from product recalls or fines. In the case of life sciences or other regulated industries, terminology errors can also lead to customer safety issues and regulatory compliance risks.
A real terminology disaster
100% cost increase for translation

Introducing TermWiki Pro
TermWiki Pro is a globally-accessible, cloud-based terminology management platform that enables businesses to easily manage product terminology collaboratively. Global enterprises rely on TermWiki Pro to deliver better quality multilingual information globally.