App Features

Find More Jobs
Stepes gives you options in searching for first-come-first-serve jobs that you want based all on your field of expertise and interests. Not only are you given more jobs, but jobs that you’ll enjoy working on
Stepes Swish has its translators working in the most familiar text based environment today, and in doing so has changed the way translation jobs are completed. Swish breaks down jobs into small text bubbles which can then be translated quickly and efficiently. The translation process looks very much like a chat conversation between you and friends.
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Voice Based Translation
Stepes takes advantage of power voice recognition technology found in iOS and Android devices. Stepes translators can translate through the power of speech, making this the fastest translation tool available.

Revisions Made Easy
Edit with ease using Stepes Swoosh. It’s a simple thing of tapping the text bubble you want to edit, making your important changes and tapping Save. It’s that simple.

5 Star
Stepes translators are based on ratings. Each job you take will be reviewed and rated by the client. The more impressive your translation, the better your rating. The better your rating, the more likely you’ll be given the jobs you want.
Track Your Earnings
Stepes updates you with your earnings at all times. You can find out how much you’ve earned before taking a break from a translation job, or simply be kept up to date with your total earnings with My Wallet.

We pay on time
We have implemented a reliable and consistent payment system using the currently most international payment method of Paypal. You can request to extract your payment and we will pay you at the end of the month.
Key Features
Swish chat translation technology | |
Speech-to-text translation input | |
Machine translation technology | |
100 translation languages available | |
100,000+ translators |
Product Description
Finally, translate from mobile
Stepes changes the way translation is performed by allowing anyone with a connected mobile device to become a translator. By first breaking down a document into smaller paragraphs and then sentences, Stepes allows linguists to perform translation in a conversation style suited for a smaller mobile screen. Swish – this chat translation technology – fundamentally solves the constraint of small mobile displays, making the translation process enjoyable while significantly improving user experience and translation efficiency.
Anyone can translate
Most translation and localization companies use translation tools that are prohibitively difficult to use. However, Swish, Stepes’ chat-based translation technology, eliminates the technical barriers to becoming a translator. More than half of the world is multilingual – now they can put those language skills to work
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Translate anytime, anywhere
Now that translators can translate from their mobile phones, they can translate wherever they can bring smartphones. Free of the constraints of desktop translation tools, translators can work wherever and whenever is most convenient for them. By utilizing otherwise scattered moments of spare time and language skills, Stepes gives translators and businesses novel ways to translate.
Faster translation input speed
Stepes leverages the powerful speech recognition ability of iPhone and Android devices and allows translators to finally translate through speaking, leading to significantly faster input speeds.
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